(a moment of peace while N is learning to be gentle with Grayson) (a moment of chaos while holding Grayson)
There is always going to be something asking for your attention, time, money, thoughts, help, etc.
Question is, where is my heart when I feel like I am giving giving giving, and not receiving much of anything in return?
Heart Check 1. Matthew 6:1-4 talks about giving as to receive a reward from God and not from the praise of man. So there goes seeking a pat on the back :P. And fact is God is patting me on the back like a parent does when a child does something right- and that's all I need! Getting to be in a relationship with Him IS my reward.
Heart Check 2. Galatians 6:9-10 " Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
The Bible has so many places like this where God is trying to encourage us to keep going! This is the kind of verse worth memorizing so that when I am exhausted and have a headache I can remind myself why I am doing it. It's so easy to get weary sometimes and want to make excuses to be impatient, lazy, or feel entitled to just give up - but that's exactly the opposite of what God calls us to do!
Heart Check 3. The lyrics to Ginny Owens "I am nothing" are so sobering to me. We do all these things, but if we don't love....if we aren't joyfully doing them for Christ, they're meaningless. How many times do we expect a listening ear back when we've listened to someone through their vent/struggles? How many times do we tell ourselves we deserve things? I am so glad Jesus didn't have that attitude. "You know what, I have been healing people all day, so I think I am going to sit and listen to a bunch of people praise me for my awesomeness and eat ice cream." Yikes!
(Fishing attempt #2...here-happy, only minutes later though, he was bottom-soaked from sitting in cold wetlands....sheesh)